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Live Nature
2009 HKSZ Architectural Urbanism Biennale
Leisure & Work,
Nature & Man-made,
Rural & Urban,
juxtapose to form the unique characters of Hong Kong.
Leisure & Work,
Nature & Manmade,
Rural & Urban,
juxtapose to form the unique characters of Hong Kong.

This pavilion attempts to create a setting to taste the joy of living under a tree!

Sections of home lives are abstracted to sculpt this pavilion, tree crown replaces concrete roof, to shelter for sleeping, dining & conversing, among the soothing sunlight, singing birds and swaying shadows.

Location: West Kowloon Promenade
Client: 2009 HKSZ Architectural Urbanism Biennale
Year: 2009
Status: Completed
Program: Exhibition
Team: Ida Sze, Billy Chan
Collaborator: Main Contractor: P&T Construction and Engineering Co. Ltd.